Pot Luck Picnic in the park!

During the summer East Coseley Big Local has been creating opportunities for people to come together for all sorts of creative fun and sharing!

This included a pop up, pot luck, picnic in the park!

People of all ages came together on a gloriously sunny day in August. They brought food to share, shared their knowledge and proudly shared new skills that they had recently learnt!

Coming together in this way feels like a real celebration where everyone can be involved and included. The simple act of sharing cakes that people had baked and brought to share helped people to talk to people they had never met before.

Aace Dance group who East Coseley big Local have been supporting to start dance classes were really excited to be involved and asked if the children wanted to showcase what they had learnt, they could not wait! Everyone came together to cheer them on and it gave the picnic a vibrant energy with lots of smiles!

For others it was a chance to come together to chat and relax in the sun with great food and company. The Crafternooners came along and after sharing food and suntan lotion they were soon crocheting and knitting together.

We shouldn’t underestimate the joy of coming together in this way. Firstly it’s simple to do and is open to everyone no matter what the age or circumstance. All you need to do is bring something to share whether that’s a bit of food, a picnic blanket, your knowledge or a skill or your hands to help tidy up.

There is true beauty in seeing people coming together to laugh, chat, play, create, share and have fun! There is also something really amazing about seeing open spaces (that are often used by just a few dog walkers) being in used in new ways. Who could keep massive smiles of their faces when watching little girls in purple tutus proudly sharing the new skills they have learnt! There was even time to share Ice creams together! What a lovely way to spend a summers day.

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