We’re starting a dementia-friendly community cinema in Coseley!

We would like to warmly invite you to East Coseley Big Local’s first dementia-friendly cinema screening on the 17th April at Darkhouse Baptist Church, Coseley. Do you know, care for, or support someone living with dementia in the Coseley area? Would you like to book places at the cinema? Please contact Neil at neil@eastcoseleybiglocal.net
 or call 07472627497. 

Join us 2pm – 4pm on the 17th April for a screening, snacks and refreshments. The cinema is open to the community but the screenings will be enhanced to suit the needs of people living with dementia.

East Coseley Big Local is passionate to support people living with dementia, their families and carers, to continue to participate in entertainment. The dementia-friendly cinema will enable people who often feel a little isolated in the community to enjoy an everyday experience in an accessible, friendly, supportive and fun environment where participation is encouraged!

Please contact Neil at neil@eastcoseleybiglocal.net
 or call 07472627497 to book places by Friday 13th April. 

Our first film screening will be the classic 1948 film Easter Parade.

Broadway star Don Hewes’ (Fred Astaire) dancing partner (Ann Miller) goes solo, and Don declares that he can make a hit performer out of the next dancer he sees. This turns out to be the inexperienced Hannah (Judy Garland), who bristles as Don tries to make her into his old partner. But as he realizes that he is falling in love with Hannah, Don knows that he must let her grow into her own kind of dancer if he wants her to reach her full potential.

What is East Coseley Big Local?

East Coseley Big Local is an exciting opportunity for residents to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their community. It brings together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make the area an even better place to live.

Big Local is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and managed by Local Trust. There are 150 Big Local areas in England which have been allocated £1million each. East Coseley was selected as a Big Local area by the Big Lottery Fund in 2011. Find out more at www.eastcoseleybiglocal.net.


Let’s start a dementia cinema in Coseley!

Let’s start a dementia cinema in Coseley!

East Coseley Big Local and Black Country Touring are looking for enthusiastic people to drop by and join them to chat, plan and share ideas to potentially start a dementia friendly community cinema within the Coseley area.

On the day, Lee Allen, Dementia Friends volunteer champion from the Alzheimer’s Society, will be delivering a Dementia Information Session for anyone interested to learn more about dementia and how it can affect people’s lives.

We will be talking with Olivia James of Black Country Touring about starting and planning for a dementia friendly community cinema in Coseley.

If you would like to get involved and come along please let us know, and also whether you would like to bring anyone along with you, by contacting neil@eastcoseleybiglocal.net

Date: Monday 22nd January
Time: 10am – 1pm
Venue: The Apple Tree Inn, 5 Central Drive, Bilston, WV14 9EW
All welcome!

Here’s a bit of background information for the day:

What is a dementia friendly cinema?
A dementia friendly community cinema provides a safe, welcoming and fun environment for people, families and carers living with dementia. The cinema is open to the whole community but the screenings are enhanced to suit the needs of people living with dementia who may feel a little isolated in the community.

What is a Dementia Friends Information Session?
A Dementia Friends Information Session is a fun, interactive way to learn a little about dementia and how it can affect people’s lives. Led by a volunteer Dementia Friends Champion, the Session lasts 45-60 minutes and covers five key messages that everyone should know about dementia, through activities and discussion.

What is East Coseley Big Local?
East Coseley Big Local is an exciting opportunity for residents to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their community. It brings together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make the area an even better place to live.

Big Local is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and managed by Local Trust. There are 150 Big Local areas in England which have been allocated £1million each. East Coseley was selected as a Big Local area by the Big Lottery Fund in 2011. Find out more at www.eastcoseleybiglocal.net.


Our Plan is checked out by Local Trust

Last Monday members of the Big Local Core Group met with Irene Evison, who visited on behalf of Local Trust to find out more about the thinking behind our Big Local Plan.

Irene explained that a key part of approval process for Big Local plans is visiting the local partnership (we call ours the Core Group). After the meeting Irene would fill in an assessment form and send it to Local Trust. It includes her recommendation to Local Trust. They make the decision on whether to agree funding based on the plan. We should hear what their decision is in a month or so.

 Irene had read our Big Local Plan thoroughly and said that she found it easy to read. She said it gave her a good feel for the area and a clear picture of the vision. She explained that she wanted to find out more about:

  • How the plan came to be what it is.
  • How did priorities were decided.
  • How it was agreed to split the funding in the ways shown in the budget.

Irene said she was impressed with how many people were around table (there were 12 Core Group members present).

The following gives a flavour of the discussion.

How did we get get from talking to people to having a plan?

Chris Cambell said “With food!” He was referring to all the great Jubilee celebrations and community events. He explained the collaboration with the Eden Project for Big Lunches. Chris explained that the event were used to fin out what people wanted Big Local investment to be used for. Phil Harris described the Community Forum meeting where we put 100 ideas on cards on the floor and sorted them in to themes. Hazel Broadhouse explained that at a later Community Forum meeting everyone looked at quick wins, longer term goals and what we could do ourselves, what we would need external support for – in relation to all the ideas. Carolyn Ball added that we had found some things people wanted that were already happening and we had to think about how to let them know that those things were running.

How was Dudley CVS chosen as a Locally Trusted Organisation to hold the Big Local money?

Phil explained that Dudley CVS was already known to people and groups in the area. Dudley CVS staff have helped and given guidance to local people on many projects. Why go elsewhere when it works? Chris added that he was confident that Dudley CVS will be clear if they aren’t the experts, they will come forward and suggest others, and seek advice from Local Trust.

Has there been any thinking about forms of social investment beyond credit unions?

Group members responded with a no, not yet. They will seek advice, but had picked up from discussions with local people that personal debt was an issue so that became the priority.

Gerry Clarke thanked Irene for raising questions that group need to think about, for example about evaluating and reviewing the plan every year.

Gerry asked if any other Big Local areas had experiences which East Coseley could learn from. Irene said there were no big issues yet, areas are feeling their way. There is lots of interest in social investment and keep the money working.

Reflections from Core Group group members on the discussion

  • I found it useful to focus on the outcome of our work over the last few years. You do tend to forget what you’re trying to achieve.
  • It was good to hear the questions and the ways we responded.
  • Having not been able to get to a meeting for ages, it is totally different now. Coming and seeing a plan, seeing everyone answer questions, I like the plan and that it isn’t too tied down, the beauty of it is the way it has been developed – the Coseley way.
  • I think Irene appreciated we were talking honestly, and what stood out was that we need to develop monitoring and evaluation.
  • I am extremely proud of everybody. I hope that the two things which stood out were how passionate we are and how much work we’ve put in.